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Interview with Mr. Ilias Iakovidis about the eHealth Week conference

  • Cikk címe: Interview with Mr. Ilias Iakovidis about the eHealth Week conference
  • Szerzők: IME Szerkesztőség
  • Intézmények: IME Szerkesztőség
  • Évfolyam: X. évfolyam
  • Lapszám: 2011. / 1
  • Hónap: Február
  • Oldal: 52-54
  • Terjedelem: 3
  • Rovat: PORTRÉ
  • Alrovat: PORTRÉ


eHealth Week, which is a joint event combining of the European Commission’s High Level Ministerial Conference and the World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition will be held in Bu da pest in 2011. This was the occasion to have an interview with Mr. Ilias Iakovidis PhD, who is currently Deputy Head of the “ICT for Health” Unit at DG INFSO, European Commission and is responsible for the eHealth re search prog ram direction and implementation. He is also in charge of the coordination of the international cooperation with non-EU countries, in particular with the US. He also worked on policy and support to large scale deployment of eHealth in EU as described in the eHealth Action Plan of which he was the ma in coauthor, EC Recommendation on cross border Inter operability and Communication on telemedicine. In 2001, Ilias Iakovidis has been elected fellow of American College of Medical Informatics for his contribution to the field. We asked Mr. Iakovidis to talk about those possibilities and benefit that eHealth Week provides for the host country.

Angol absztrakt:

eHealth Week, which is a joint event combining of the European Commission’s High Level Ministerial Conference and the World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition will be held in Bu da pest in 2011. This was the occasion to have an interview with Mr. Ilias Iakovidis PhD, who is currently Deputy Head of the “ICT for Health” Unit at DG INFSO, European Commission and is responsible for the eHealth re - search prog ram direction and implementation. He is also in charge of the coordination of the international cooperation with non-EU countries, in particular with the US. He also worked on policy and support to large scale deployment of eHealth in EU as described in the eHealth Action Plan of which he was the ma in coauthor, EC Recommendation on cross border Inter - operability and Communication on telemedicine. In 2001, Ilias Iakovidis has been elected fellow of American College of Medical Informatics for his contribution to the field. We asked Mr. Iakovidis to talk about those possibilities and benefit that eHealth Week provides for the host country.

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Interjú Ilias Iakovidissalaz eHealth Week konferencia kapcsán IME Szerkesztőség
Interview with Mr. Ilias Iakovidis about the eHealth Week conference IME Szerkesztőség

Szerző Intézmény
Szerző: IME Szerkesztőség Intézmény: IME Szerkesztőség