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Exploring Medical Tourism in Mexico: Competitive advantages and disadvantages in the international arena

  • Cikk címe: Exploring Medical Tourism in Mexico: Competitive advantages and disadvantages in the international arena
  • Szerzők: Dr. Nathalie Desplas
  • Intézmények: Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Chihuahua
  • Évfolyam: XIII. évfolyam
  • Lapszám: 2014. / 8
  • Hónap: október
  • Oldal: 11-14
  • Terjedelem: 4

Angol absztrakt:

The increasing expansion of the internet and the generalized use of information and communication technologies (ICT) have transformed sectors such as health tourism and more specifically, medical tourism, its most dynamic category, which shows a strong potential for a development. The supply of health services in a country seeks to satisfy a new and increasing foreign demand. Health related tourism services are relatively new, however, and their conceptualization and measurement volume are not as yet well-defined [1, 2]. The present research paper attempts to 1) give an academic perspective in health and medical tourism definitions for further analysis and 2) present the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the development of medical tourism in Mexico. In keeping with the above purposes, the methodology will consist of an exploratory research of the literature based on expertsʼ interviews in order to give recommendations for the development of this sector and validate the Mexicoʼs competitive advantages.

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Exploring Medical Tourism in Mexico: Competitive advantages and disadvantages in the international arena Dr. Nathalie Desplas
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Szerző Intézmény
Szerző: Dr. Nathalie Desplas Intézmény: Tecnológico de Monterrey campus Chihuahua

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