- Cikk címe: International reference pricing in the Slovak Republic
- Szerzők: assoc. prof. Tomas Tesar
- Intézmények: UNION health insurance fund Bratislava the Slovak Republic
- Évfolyam: XI. évfolyam
- Lapszám: 2012. / 10
- Hónap: december
- Oldal: 68-70
- Terjedelem: 3
Angol absztrakt:
The main factors leading to price differences among countries include national income per capita, national regulatory policies for pricing, value assessment of pharmaceuticals, approaches to regulating wholesale and taxation of pharmaceuticals. The Slovak Republic uses a range of mechanisms to regulate pharmaceutical prices and reimbursement rates. In the past, the Slovak Republic was considered as a country with relevant potentials for parallel import of drugs. In the present time, the ex-factory price is fixed at the second lowest price in the EU and the situation was changed. Significant positive effects within the Slovak health care budget can be seen due to the international reference pricing between 2007 and 2012. We have not seen significant consequences for patient access to medicines in terms of both availability and affordability due to international reference pricing until now.
XI. évfolyam
2012. / 10. lapszám december
Szerző | Intézmény |
Szerző: assoc. prof. Tomas Tesar | Intézmény: UNION health insurance fund Bratislava the Slovak Republic |
[1] Panos kanavos at al. Differences in costs of and Access to pharmaceutical products in the EU. [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/document/activities/cont/201201/20120130ATT36575/20120130ATT36575EN.pdf, accessed 20th august 2012].
[2] Health Data 2010. Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development [http://www.oecd.org, accessed 27 March 2011].
[3] Zoltán kaló, Elizabeth Docteur and Pierre Moïse: Pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in Slovakia, OECD Health working paper, 2008.