- Cikk címe: Risk-sharing, individual price agreements and reference pricing –recent developments in Polish pharmaceutical policy
- Szerzők: MD Phd Bochenek Tomasz
- Intézmények: Department of Drug Management
- Évfolyam: XI. évfolyam
- Lapszám: 2012. / 10
- Hónap: december
- Oldal: 71-73
- Terjedelem: 3
Angol absztrakt:
After a long period of stagnancy in pricing and reimbursement policy, the profound changes have occurred in the second half of 2011 and beginning of 2012 in Poland, after introduction of the Reimbursement Law. One of the most important novelties was introduction of risk-sharing and individual price agreements between pharmaceutical industry and the Minister of Health. Reference pricing has been used in Poland for 20 years and recent reforms have strengthened its role. Mutual exchange of specialist knowledge and experiences from the field of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement among countries, which have similar economies and similar health care systems, is strongly required in the era of financial austerities.
XI. évfolyam
2012. / 10. lapszám december
Szerző | Intézmény |
Szerző: MD Phd Bochenek Tomasz | Intézmény: Department of Drug Management |
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